In addition, doctor audit took a very long time clinical finished and will have overburdened hospitals’ means clinical respond. Respondents felt doctor audit tool addressed doctor issues raised in doctor alert and asked applicable questions. However, they discovered doctor tool time consuming medical comprehensive as it was not available electronically and since doctor insulin alert was allotted soon after two other HRM medicine alerts, which taxed supplies. In future it might be crucial clinical ascertain doctor most effective time clinical distribute alerts and native limitations medical implementing them, corresponding to aid constraints. In addition, doctor burden on clinicians can be decreased by shortening doctor audit tool, making it available electronically and using effective marketing, e. g. Consider doctor use of photos, photos, or other aspects that could help illustrate your values and ideology of family nursing and family health merchandising as they relate scientific doctor patient bios in clinical help task. Note: Ensure that doctor photos, graphics, or other points chosen are cited and referenced according scientific APA 6th ed. 3 marks3 Transformational learning this is specific occurs when college students can communicate with peers and instructors about emotions and feelings that relate scientific certain decisions in their important considering manner Melrose et al. , 2013. As well, new insights can be gained in a supportive, attractive, and transformative learning atmosphere via critical self reflection Melrose et al.