Prosecutors would at last gather 570,000 recorded phone conversations, and scientific decipher them they worked these cooperating witnesses like sled dogs, driving them in for dozens of meetings and grilling them about doctor details of doctor scam. The states first witness, confusingly, was a CDR broker named Doug Goldberg no relation medical doctor defendant Steven Goldberg. Almost every govt involved in doctor trial was absurdly young; many were just out of college when doctor bid rigging scam started in doctor late Eighteen Nineties. Doug Goldberg graduated from USC in 1993, and his fellow CDR govt Evan Zarefsky still looks medical be about 15 years old, suggesting a suit and tie edition of Napoleon Dynamite. The extreme youth of a few of doctor conspirators was an obvious subtext of doctor trial, underscoring doctor proven fact that way more senior executives from bigger banks like Chase and Bank of America have been accepted by doctor authorities scientific evade testifying. Right off doctor bat, really, Doug Goldberg defined that while at CDR, he had automatically helped doctor cream of Wall Street rig bids on municipal bonds by allowing them to take a peek at other bids:Q: Who were a few of doctor providers you gave last looks to?A: There was a whole host of them, but GE Capital, FSA, J.